(eBook) (PDF) Precalculus, 2nd edition 1 × $29.90
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Medical Terminology Complete! takes a programmed approach to presenting the most current language of healthcare. Organized by body system, the text conveys the medical terms used in medical offices, hospitals and clinics, together with essential A&P information.You’ll get step-by-step guidance in building medical terms. Word Part Reminders show you how word parts combine to form a term, while Word Part Breakdowns identify word parts. Some exercises offer word-building practice, while others use medical reports to show how medical terms are used in practice.The 4th Edition improves clinical training for students poised to a launch a healthcare career. New types of chapter-ending exercises, such as Define the Combining Form and Complete the Labels exercises, round out a comprehensive series of practice opportunities.
Published by Pearson (September 18th 2020) – Copyright © 2019
ISBN-13: 9780136873808
Subject: Medical Terminology
Category: Medical Terminology Complete!
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