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(eBook) (PDF) Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching: Transforming Learning Across Disciplines, 9th edition


Joan E. Hughes, 
M D. Roblyer




Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching gives you a solid foundation to incorporate transformative technology into your classroom and across the curriculum. Learning theories and research-based practices model how to effectively plan, select and evaluate technology use across 12 content areas. Hands-on exercises, sample lessons and recommended resources help you develop the insight and skills you need to become a technology leader.The 9th Edition keeps pace with the ever-evolving role of technology in education, reflecting current tools, methods and research-based practices. New features address digital inequity issues that affect children’s educational success. New coverage prepares you to plan and teach in blended and fully online classrooms.

Published by Pearson (July 11th 2022) – Copyright © 2023
ISBN-13: 9780137544578
Subject: Curriculum & Instruction
Category: Educational Technology

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