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(eBook) (PDF) Medical Terminology: A Living Language, 7th edition


Bonnie F. Fremgen, 
Suzanne S Frucht




Medical Terminology: A Living Language uses a carefully constructed learning system to help students master and apply medical language. Organized by body system, the text places medical terms within the context of basic A&P. Instead of memorizing terms, students learn how to use word parts to build terms so they can interpret unfamiliar language.To offer context for medical terms, each body system chapter opens with a list of the pertinent word parts and their meanings, plus an illustrated of the relevant organs. Through Real-World Applications, you’ll get valuable practice reading real medical records and replacing lay terms with the proper terms. You’ll also interpret case study scenarios that demo the use of medical terms.The 7th Edition will build your term-building skills with the help of a comprehensive list of word parts. New practice problems target spelling, your ability to form adjectives and your grasp of basic A&P.

Published by Pearson (September 18th 2020) – Copyright © 2019
ISBN-13: 9780136873105
Subject: Medical Terminology
Category: Medical Terminology: A Living Language