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(eBook) (PDF) Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice, 5th edition


Michael P. Adams, 
Carol Quam Urban




Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice examines key pharmacologic concepts and mechanisms in the context of their links to nursing practice and patient care. The authors approach the text recognizing that pharmacology is not an academic discipline to be learned for its own sake but a critical tool for preventing disease and promoting healing. By using prototype drugs and grouping drugs by body systems and diseases, the text provides a strong foundation for mastering medications and their therapeutic uses.Updated with new FDA-approved drugs, the 5th Edition includes all-new case studies building clinical decision-making skills, as well as newly added answers to case study and end-of-chapter review questions so you can can quickly confirm or remediate their understanding of key chapter concepts.

Published by Pearson (March 1st 2022) – Copyright © 2022
ISBN-13: 9780137659166
Subject: Pharmacology for Nurses
Category: Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice