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(eBook) (PDF) World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Combined Volume, 8th edition


Peter N. Stearns, 
Michael B. Adas, 
Stuart B. Schwartz, 
Marc Jason Gilbert




Hallmark features of this titleVisualizing the Past features support visual literacy by showing students how to read and analyze maps, charts, graphs, tables, and photos.Thinking Historically essays discuss key topics that extend across chronological and geographical boundaries.Global Connections sections reinforce the key themes and issues raised in the chapter.Critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter and part reinforce important themes and serve as potential essay or class discussion topics.An essay at the end of each part encourages students to analyze the impact of key contact patterns upon individual societies during the period covered.Chapter-opening stories spark students’ interest, introducing chapter material in an engaging, dramatic way.

Published by Pearson (January 1st 2022) – Copyright © 2021
ISBN-13: 9780137848607
Subject: History
Category: World History Survey